
how long is the esophagus

Exact Answer: 18 To 25 Centimetres Long

The esophagus, or as well known as the oesophagus in British English language is the pathway for food betwixt the pharynx and stomach. The common name for the esophagus is food pipe because it is in the course of a cylindrical pipe-like construction through which the food, or technically known as a bolus, passes downwards to the tum. The reason behind how food passes down the esophagus to the stomach is because of the peristaltic move done past the walls of the esophagus.

The esophagus begins from the pharynx region, and so travels behind the tracheal region and the heart. Afterward that, the esophagus passes through the diaphragm and ends into the uppermost part of the stomach separated past a lower esophageal sphincter. The lower sphincter of the esophagus majorly helps to forbid acid reflux of tummy content and forbid cases similar vomiting.

How Long Is The Esophagus?

Different Stages Of Life Length
Embryological stage 0.2 cm
Infant stage 0.8 cm to 1 cm
Young children fifteen cm to 18 cm
Adults xx cm to 25 cm

The length of an esophagus is about a minimum of viii inches to a maximum of 10 inches long on average. Although at different stages of life the length of the esophagus too varies. It is quite obvious that as the age of the person increases, the body develops in size, then does the esophagus. Therefore, depending upon the age of the person, the size of the esophagus varies.

The length of the esophagus at an embryological stage of a child is only about 2 mm long, which is equal to 0.ii cm. Moreover, at the fourth dimension of nascence, and in infants, the length of the esophagus ranges betwixt eighty mm to 100 mm long, or the length of the esophagus can besides be stated every bit 0.8 cm to one cm long. In young children, the length of the esophagus is about a minimum of fifteen cm to a maximum of 18 cm long. Lastly, in adults, the length of the esophagus is almost 20 cm to 25 cm long.

Why Is The Esophagus That Long?

To know the reason behind why the esophagus is that long, it is important to understand the basic level anatomy of the esophagus. The esophagus is majorly divided into three different parts, that are, the upper esophageal sphincter, the esophagus, and lastly the lower esophageal sphincter.

The upper esophageal sphincter is a muscular cartilaginous structure situated at the beginning of the esophagus which marks the entry of food or the bolus into the esophagus. It is majorly comprised of iii parts that are:

  • The posterior surface of the thyroid known as the cricoid cartilage
  • The hyoid bone
  • 3 muscles

The three muscles are in the upper esophageal sphincter area known as:

  • Cricopharyngeus
  • Thyropharyngeus
  • Cranial cervical esophagus

The thyropharyngeus musculus of the upper esophageal sphincter is oriented diagonally, whereas the second musculus that is the cricopharyngeus musculus is oriented obliquely. Between the thyropharyngeus muscle and the cricopharyngeus musculus, a zone of thin musculature known as The Killian's triangle is located. Zenker'south diverticulum emerges from Killian's triangle.

The lower esophageal sphincter is located at the point where the esophagus marks the catastrophe of the esophagus and the beginning of the stomach for food or the bolus to enter. The lower esophageal sphincter has 2 units or besides known as components, that are as follows:

  • an intrinsic component
  • an extrinsic component

The esophagus is mainly a path for food or the bolus from the throat to the breadbasket. Majorly, there are three distinct regions of the esophagus, that are:

  • the cervical region
  • the thoracic region
  • the intestinal region


The major part of the esophagus is the swallowing of food. The esophagus provides the chewed food a pathway so that it can reach the stomach and so undergo further digestion. The chewed food, likewise known as a bolus, is passed from the oral cavity. When the bolus is swallowed, it first passes into the pharynx and then further into the esophagus. The nutrient stays in the esophagus for almost 2 to 3 seconds until it is passed completely to the stomach.




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